How long does your building last?

Longevity and adaptability are key ideas when thinking through sustainability in the built environment. The challenge for designers is to not only design buildings for the present and short-term future but to also think in the long term.

3007 is an RMIT 3rd year upper pool Architectural studio.

To explore and consider how long buildings will last and how the programmes (activities) inside these buildings will also change in time. What was once a school maybe housing, what was once commercial high-rise may become something completely different.

Students will imagine two time scales:

  • 25 years into the future (2032) and 
  • 1000 years into the future (3007) .

One is strongly tied to current realities, the other impossible to imagine perhaps, yet realistic in the life of a building. Students will imagine what might be constant, and what might change frequently. They will ask, how do we design for an unknown future, as well as one we can intelligently speculate on?