Semester 1 2017 Studio 35 (MUP Studio T)

Western Suburbs Transport Studio

John Stone, Ian Woodcock, Iain Lawrie

Studio 35

This is an Urban Planning Studio. Students who are allocated in to this studio will be working with Master of Urban Planning students.

Enabling Public Transport Networks with Level Crossing Removals in Melbourne’s West. 

A predominant focus of transport and planning policy in Melbourne is building big roads. But it is clear that our city’s future sustainability, accessibility and liveability will require a dramatic re-orientation towards active and public transport. While the latest big road – the Western Distributor – is touted as the solution to transport problems in Melbourne’s West, there is little information about the more sustainable alternatives: how they might work, who they might benefit, what they could look like. This studio will foster collaboration between planning and architecture students to explore viable network solutions. Integrated across multiple scales with urban design and architecture, we seek propositions with transformative potential to provide genuine transport choices for an entire region where currently very few exist.

This studio will offer students opportunities to work with local and state government transport planners and other professionals in the built environment. We will explore the opportunities for improved public transport networks and enhanced liveability in Melbourne’s West that could be created through level crossing removals on the Williamstown, Werribee and Wyndham Vale/Melton/Sunbury rail lines.

This studio will extend previous explorations of relationships between rail, tram and bus network planning and urban design. Earlier work indicates that elevated rail to remove level crossings opens up immense potential to connect communities and create new kinds of public realms and opportunities for adjacent development.

Studio Leaders

Dr JOHN STONE is senior lecturer in Transport Planning at the Melbourne School of Design where he co-ordinates the urban planning program.

Dr IAN WOODCOCK has led graduate studios since 2005 and co-ordinates urban design in the undergraduate and graduate planning programs at RMIT University.

Ian and John have collaborated on research into integrated station design, optimising level crossing removals for network enhancement and the benefits of elevated rail since 2012, with significant impact on policy in this area. This studio continues this design research agenda with a new and timely focus on Melbourne’s West.

IAIN LAWRIE is a senior project manager and planner specializing in sustainable urban transport network design for low-density cities. Iain holds a MPhil in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering in addition to urban planning qualifications from the University of Melbourne. He has over 18 years professional experience including a leading role with the Clean Energy Council.

ABPL90384 ST1/03 Tuesday 3.15pm - 6.15pm, Baldwin Spencer English Room (109)
ABPL90384 ST2/03 Friday 9am - 12pm, MSD  Room 226

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Stop 1 provides enrolment and other support to Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of Environments and Melbourne School of Design students.