Studio 07

Nightingale Night School

Jeremy McLeod, Ali Galbraith, Jennifer Kulas, and Dan McKenna | Housing Focus

Studio Description

The status quo development model is aimed at delivering buildings with maximum financial yields rather than focusing on the people who will live in the building or impact on the environment and local communities. The Nightingale Model aims to provide housing for Melbourne’s rapidly growing population in carbon neutral, well-connected, community-driven apartments – all delivered without the involvement of property developers, marketers and real estate agents to make them more socially, environmentally and economically sustainable. Nightingale Housing exists to revolutionise the way we live together. This studio is an opportunity to learn in depth the Nightingale Housing process of delivering triple bottom line housing at cost. We will explore pushing the boundaries of multi-residential architectural design to create meaningful contributions to the city and exceptional spaces for living in. Students will be taught how to run financial feasibility studies on project sites and gain unique insights into the interaction between architectural design and other disciplines involved in the procurement process such as development managers, financiers and community housing providers.

Places limited to 12 students.

Prospective students will need to submit a 200 word statement explaining why they wish to undertake the studio and a sketch/graphic which represents what Nightingale means to them, due 10pm Friday 26th July. All applications are to be submitted to,, and

Studio Outcome

Each student will be given the tools to undertake a Nightingale project and use these as a foundation to design in detail a medium density apartment building on a real site in Melbourne as a prototype of their vision of the future urban housing in this city.

Studio Leaders

Jeremy McLeod is the managing director of Nightingale Housing and founding director of multi-award winning architecture studio, Breathe Architecture. Breathe is a team of dedicated architects that have built a reputation for delivering high quality design and sustainable architecture at various scales. Breathe Architecture has recently been focused on sustainable urbanisation and how to deliver more affordable urban housing to Melbournians. Breathe were project architects of The Commons and Nightingale 1 housing projects in Brunswick. Nightingale Housing is made up of a small, dedicated team (most of whom have trained as architects) working with some of Melbourne’s leading architects to deliver carbon neutral housing at cost. At present, there are numerous Nightingale Housing projects in progress, including Nightingale Village, consisting of six buildings by six different architects in Brunswick. This studio will be assisted by Dan McKenna and Jen Kulas of Nightingale Housing and Ali Galbraith of Breathe Architecture.

Readings & References

Travel Brunswick, South Yarra, and Melbourne | Week 1-3

Schedule Mondays and Thursdays 17:30-20:30 at Nightingale House, 6 Florence Street, Brunswick

Contact Handbook Key Dates

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Stop 1 provides enrolment and other support to Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of Environments and Melbourne School of Design students.