Future Cities
Rapid urbanisation and multi-faceted pressures on existing cities demands research that can better inform design, governance and construction.
Through our unique breadth of disciplinary expertise across planning, urban design, landscape, property and construction, researchers are collaboratively tackling how we can build and live in sustainable, creative and equitable urban environments.
Advancing new home sustainability through demand-side empowerment
Investigating homebuyer decision-making. Monitoring of energy efficiency and sustainability communication on volume home builder websites and social media.
Australia’s new cities: past present and future
To conceptualise Australia’s urban future, we must not only look beyond metropolitan boundaries, but also to successful—and failed—past projects and visions for population relocation, placement, and growth.
Complex Adaptive Systems and Rule-Based Design
This project will foster collaborations between interdisciplinary research teams at The University of Melbourne and The University of Campinas in the general fields of architecture, urban design and computational modelling.
Cross-cultural analysis and capacity building in construction management
Practices focusing on housing and infrastructure sectors in Assam and Australia – An initiative of ‘Smart Villages” research
Development and trial of a low-carbon living co-benefits calculator
The aim of this project is to develop and trial a prototype low-carbon precinct co-benefits calculator for use by urban planners and designers.
Future Cities Node Project
Cities play a key role in relation to low-carbon resilient futures. Although they occupy less than 2% of the earth’s land mass, cities now house over half of global population and contribute around 70-80% of greenhouse gas pollution.
Getting to Yes: Overcoming Barriers to Affordable Family Friendly Housing in the Central City
Examing the concepts of 'family-friendly' and 'affordable' in the context of the central city
How Can Food Hubs Catalyse Healthy and Resilient Local Food Systems in Victoria?
Supporting sustainable farming and access to food
Innovation Infrastructure: Planning for Growth
This project aims to identify policy and practice actions to achieve effective innovation infrastructure planning in Australia.
Integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation in built environments
This project aims to facilitate climate change adaptation and mitigation across Australia’s built environment: progressing climate change action, informing investment decisions and reducing harm and cost of climate change impacts.
Intensifying Places: Transit-oriented Urban Design for Resilient Australian Cities
Future Scenarios for Transit-Oriented Urban Design
Level-crossing removals: learning from Melbourne’s experience
Getting the best from level-crossing removals in Melbourne.
Mapping embodied environmental impacts in the built environment
Cities and their building stocks result in significant environmental effects which are critical to reduce.
Nested Phoenix: a multi-scale model for life cycle environmental performance in the built environment
This projects aims to develop one of the most advanced computer models to measure and improve life cycle environmental performance in the built-environment, across its scales, from construction materials, to cities.
Topographical accessibility modelling for people with mobility impairments
Peripheral Centralities: Lost, Past, Present and Future
A series of four seminars exploring the role of suburban peripheries in the expansion of cities, and their perception in the public imagination.
Planning the driverless city
Autonomous vehicles may improve road safety, reduce car ownership, and reduce the need for parking. They may also entrench car dependency, encourage sprawl and shift investment away from vital public transport systems.
Renewable energy for carbon neutral cities
Feasibility of solar, wind and biomass for sustainable energy landscape planning in Victoria
Safer cycling in the urban road environment
The study is the first comprehensive study in Australia that combines academic, government and community efforts to enhance cycling activity while addressing safety concerns.
Seacombe West – Australia’s First Regenerative Community
The Seacombe West site is significantly degraded as a result of salt water entering the Gippsland Lakes system in the late 1800s.
Southern Cities Research Centre
The SCRC is a multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary research centre with hubs in Brazil and Australia.
The effect of anticipatory modification on design
Evaluating housing adaptation grant programs for people with disabilities as drivers of innovation.
The Future of Bicycle Transport in Urban China: a Case Study of Xi’an
This research aims to discover new knowledge and emerging business opportunities in the planning and development of bicycle transport in Chinese cities.
Tourism development and local resilience: self-organisation and community empowerment perspectives
How can tourism development affect community resilience to natural hazards in different self-organisation and regulatory contexts? How should policy-making address these relationships?
Transforming Building Environmental Design
Buildings are responsible for significant environmental impacts. Only with considerable improvements to the design, construction and operation of buildings can ambitious national environmental goals be achieved.
Transforming Housing: Affordable Housing for All
Transforming Housing: Affordable Housing for All is an action-research project focused on influencing and supporting the transformation of the housing policy and delivery environment in Victoria.
Transit for All: Better Stations and Access Infrastructure
This research program addresses one of the most challenging questions facing Australian cities - namely; how to substantially improve public transport facilities, and get ever-larger numbers of travelers onto and away from transit efficiently and comfortably, without over-reliance on costly and outdated park-and-ride approaches.
Visualising an Irresistible Future
Imagining an Irresistible and Sustainable Future using Film and Testing Behavioural and Attitudinal Shifts in a School Community
Wildfire Disaster Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery in Coastal Tourist Destinations: the case of Wye River, Australia
From a regional resilience perspective, what were the outcomes of prevention, preparedness, response and recovery strategies in place for the 2015 Wye River wildfires? How does tourism help shape these?
Dr Ashraful Alam, Assistant Dean, Diversity and Inclusion
Leire Asensio-Villoria, Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Urban Design
Dr Behnaz Avazpour, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Professor Donald Bates, Chair of Architectural Design
Dr Judy Bush, Senior Lecturer in Urban Planning
Dr Páraic Carroll, Lecturer in Transport Planning
Dr Siqing Chen, Senior Lecturer in Landscape Architecture
A/Prof Patrick Cobbinah, Associate Professor in Urban Planning
Professor Robert Crawford, Professor in Construction and Environmental Assessment
Dr Kirsten Day, Lecturer in Technology and Practice
A/Prof Jennifer Day, Associate Professor in Urban Planning
Dr Raghu Dharmapuri Tirumala, Senior Lecturer in Property
Anna Edwards, Research Fellow in Urban Studies
Professor Alexander Felson, Elisabeth Murdoch Chair of Landscape Architecture
Dr Jie Feng, Lecturer in Architectural Science and Technology
Professor Ray Green, Professor in Landscape Architecture and Heritage
A/Prof Margaret Grose, Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture
Professor Sun Sheng Han, Professor of Urban Planning
Stuart Harrison, Senior Lecturer
Dr James Helal, Lecturer in Construction Management
Dr Olivia Ho, Lecturer in Property
Dr Thanh Ho, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
A/Prof Anna Hurlimann, Associate Professor in Urban Planning
Dr Chris Jensen, Lecturer in Construction Management
Professor Justyna Karakiewicz, Professor in Urban Design
Dr Godwin Kavaarpuo, Lecturer in Property
A/Prof Hyung Min Kim, Associate Professor in Urban Planning
Dr Nano Langenheim, Assistant Dean Technology
A/Prof Crystal Legacy, Assistant Dean (Graduate Research)
Dr Xiao Ma, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr David Mah, Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Urban Design
Dejan Malenic, Education Fellow in Economic and Strategic Planning
Professor Alan March, Professor in Urban Planning
Dr Andrew Martel, Lecturer in Construction Management and Architecture
A/Prof Iderlina Mateo-Babiano, Associate Professor in Urban Planning
A/Prof Julie Tian Miao, Associate Professor in Property and Economic Development and Associate Dean (Academic Resources)
Natalie Miles, Senior Tutor - Research & Pedagogy Support, BEL+T
Dr Renee Miller-Yeaman, Melbourne Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Laura Mártires, Lecturer in Architectural Design (Teaching Specialist)
Dr Kerry Nice, Research Fellow
A/Prof Masa Noguchi, Associate Professor in Environmental Design
Dr Leonardo Nogueira de Moraes, Education Fellow in Environmental Planning
A/Prof Cathy Oke, Melbourne Enterprise Principal Fellow in Informed Cities
Dr Mehran Oraee, Lecturer in Building Information Modelling
Dr Elek Pafka, Senior Lecturer in Urban Planning and Urban Design
Professor Nicholas Phelps, Associate Dean (International)
Dr Redento Recio, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr Sachith Seneviratne, Research Fellow in Computer Vision and Health
Dr Eileen Sim, Teaching Fellow
Dr Sidh Sintusingha, Senior Lecturer in Landscape Architecture
A/Prof André Stephan, Associate Professor in Construction and Environmental Performance
Wendy Walls, Lecturer in Landscape Architectural Design